Booking is now open for the 2025 Season
The 2025 season will run from May to September. To check availability and make your booking click the Book Now button above.
Once you have made your booking we will check that we will check that we have appropriate space and available volunteer staff to meet your requirements. Sometimes although space may seem available, we are not able to allocated it to your booking. If this is the case we will let you know as soon as possible. This process can take time, particularly for bookings made early in the season, so you may not receive any further email from us until closer to your booking date.
Please note bookings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday pm are most likely to be supported by our staff.
Exact water activities provided will depend on staff and conditions on the day
If you have a Scout Water Activity permit you really should ensure you regularly test your skills in a practical way. The only way to do that is to staff at Longcraig
Interested - see our recruitment page for details.
Longcraig is a water sports centre owned and operated by the Scout Association and run entirely by volunteer staff. The centre operates from a purpose built building situated in the corner of the Dalmeny Estate by Longcraig pier, South Queensferry. Our purpose is to provide adventurous activities based around the water for Scouts and Guides living in the South East of Scotland and for those visiting from other regions . Longcraig is also a recognised RYA training centre and all our activity staff hold RYA and BCU qualifications as well as Scout activity permits. We take activity session bookings from Scout and Guide groups and can offer activities for Cubs to Explorers and Leaders. Book one of our sessions to try sailing, kayaking or rafting.
Providing water activities for Scouting since 1969
Latest News
We are OPEN for BOOKINGS for Season 2025
This year we are continuing to operate some minor tweaks to our offerings which we hope you will find more straight forward and improve your booking experience.
Our normal activity session remains unchanged. As last year, on any particular evening we will offer activities that match the available staff. Participants should come prepared to Kayak, Raft or Sail. To reflect this change and simplify the booking process you will no longer be able to specify your activity preference on the booking form. We aim to accommodate 12 sailing and 12 paddle sport places per session, the exact mix depending on conditions and available staff.
Our Activity Base which gives groups the opportunity to use the centre as a base for their own group activities will remain a flat fee for use of the centres land facilities.
To streamline our admin procedures and ensure that any booking queries get dealt with promptly, we will only be monitoring email sent to If you have any enquiries please look at our websites for general information about the centre and for information relating specifically to bookings.
So if you reply to an email from our booking system or use one of our other email addresses, your email is unlikely to be read and you will not get a reply.
20250120Availability as of 12 Feb 2025
Bookings are now open. You can book any free date by going to our booking site. Once booked we will try to match available staff to your booking. When making a booking keep in mind that we are most likely to have staff available on Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday pm. Once we know we can run your booking we will send you a confirmation / invoice . If booking early we wont confirm your booking until April 2025.
GetInvolved @ Longcraig - we are looking for people to join our volunteer team. If you would like to get involved check out our recruitment page.
We are not just looking for water qualified people. We need volunteers to help get the boats out of storage and stowed away at the end of each session and to help get participants on to the water. We also need people who can help maintain and look after our buildings and equipment. Longcraig is supported by a core team of just 35 people, yet we aim to deliver activities almost everyday from May to September. We would really like to spread the load and hope you can help.
Please see our recruitment page for details.